Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to the most common questions about Sell My Games.

We know fast payment is important to you! Most customers are paid out within 2 business days of delivery if there are no issues.
We currently offer payment through Venmo or PayPal.
No. We cover all payment fees.
If there are any issues with your order, we will adjust our prices based on the Deductions page. If the deductions cause the total order value to decrease by over 10%, we will send an email with a new offer. Otherwise, we will pay as soon as the order is processed.
We only accept North American (NTSC) region games, systems, and accessories.
We have an online store called CaveGamers. Check us out if you are interested in buying video games!
We only accept 1st party OEM controllers.
If it's a Nintendo, Xbox, Sony, or Sega system, an original game (non-reproduction or unlicensed), or an OEM controller, let us know, and we'll try to get it added.